Bunk Reads

Bunk Reads Summer Camp VegaOn your mark, get set, READ!

The end of the school year may mean no more books for some girls, but for others, reading is an integral part of who they are as growing young women and exceptional students. Many of Camp Vega’s campers enter summer vacation with an eager excitement, resounding energy, and that summer reading list for next year. Who wants to read when the sun is shining, there’s a lake down the hill and your friends are ready to go sailing?

Cue Bunk Reads.

Bunk Reads is a fresh, exciting book discovery program to help campers unearth new books, authors, and adventures right here at Camp Vega. An elective camp reading program will not only excite Vega’s natural bookworms but will help keep independent reading momentum moving through the summer months. With the help of Bunk Reads, Vega will line it’s walls with over 50 picture books, novels and non-fiction children’s books for our campers to check out, read, and discuss.

Participation has its rewards!

Camp Vega and Bunk Reads want to hear what campers have to say about the books they read. With the understanding that internet connectivity is extremely limited at camp, Bunk Reads has inserted a colorful postcard with writing space into each book. Campers can write down their thoughts and what they might want other readers to know about that particular book. Those postcards will then be collected and campers thoughts can be shared on the Bunk Reads and Vega website. Not only does this create a community of campers talking about literature, but it also enters them to win a box of books at the end of 2016!  

The importance of year-round reading is priority number one at Bunk Reads and at Camp Vega. Summer camp has always been known for its athletics, outdoor adventures, sunscreen and camp fires, but they will soon be known for their libraries as well. In the next few weeks over 500 books will make their way to rural Maine and spread out over eleven Maine camps. Campers will soon have a warm, inviting, literacy rich environment for all ages, all reading levels and all imaginations to jump into a good book and have an adventure.

Click Here to check out Bunk Reads amazing writing in Publishers Weekly.

For more information on Bunk Reads visit their website at www.bunkreads.com.