Olympic Break… & Special Guest

Dear Vegans,

Today was epic, Vegan Olympic style, as our 2013 Brass heralded in this year’s surprise break onboard fire engines rolling through the front gate with generals and co-generals decked in green and white festive wear shouting Go Green – Go White!!! – sirens blaring. After the explosion pink puff of celebratory air essence spread by department heads, campers ran to the dining hall steps and were treated to a hot chocolate buffet treat as the brass prepared to announce the teams.

The opening ceremony wass equally epic, and a Vega first as our torch bearer lit the fire of the circle in a light rain. Kyle and Emily advised that the ceremony be moved into Tumbledown, our gym, in order that the kids and staff would remain dry, but also the brass speeches heard clearly. Their powerful messages of spirit, unity and well wishes were underlying themes that reminded us all that competition is fun and the journey lesson of the games is evident in each event here at Vega.

Depicted here are our Brass generals, lieutenants and captains who posed with guest speaker and two-time Olympic medalist, Mary Ellen Clark. Mary spoke of the importance of focus, teamwork and envisioning goals before an event. Her enthusiasm and friendly delivery of her speech showed us that herein lies a champion that is not just reflective on her compliments; it showed us her fine character that shines brighter than a medal.

Linda was asked by Mary Ellen to wear the medals after she had taken them off. Others were also able to wear them and finally the evening came to an end. Many thanks to Olympic Advisors: Melanie Green and Sandy Harris. Ava, Ali, Rachel and Kaici will ensure that this year will no doubt reach levels of excellence never seen here before.

Let the games begin!

Go Green and Go White –
Love, Kyle, Emily and Linda