The Start of Something New

Do we have the next JK Rowling on our hands? With the start of a new creative writing workshop, we’ll soon find out!At the hands of office staff member Hillary Ferguson, a creative writing workshop is now being held on Tuesdays and Thursdays during free period. Hillary is going to be a senior at Roanoke College, a private liberal arts school in Roanoke, Virginia where she studies Creative Writing and Sociology. As if that isn’t impressive enough, she’s also studied fiction writing at NYU and taught english to refugee students and helped them improve their writing skills by doing creative writing exercises.

“It seems only natural to start a creative writing program here at Vega. Our motto says, “The Most Exciting thing a girl will find at Vega is herself.” What better way to do that than through writing? Writing is, after all, a creation of the self.”

While the program is just beginning, our campers are loving it! Eight girls signed up right away and Hillary is sure that more will come.
